Server responds by sending a Response in any form of formatted data, here also it could be XML or JSON. To Summarize: A Client and a Server establishes a connection using HTTP protocol. Once the connection is established, Client sends across the request to the Server in the form of XML or JSON which both entities (Client and Server) understand.

Server – Official Minecraft Wiki Jun 20, 2020 Cheat Clients - 2b2t Wiki Jul 20, 2020 What is the Difference Between Client and Server Operating Dec 25, 2018

Client Wiki: Pre-Built Client Portal Server, Version 1.0.1984 (beta) [ Client.Wiki, Professional ] Up Since 7/15/2020 12:25:14 AM. Loading..

În tehnologia informației, un server este un program de aplicație care furnizează servicii altor aplicații (numite aplicații client), aflate pe același calculator sau pe calculatoare diferite. De obicei, aplicația server așteaptă conexiuni din partea aplicațiilor client. Se mai numește server și calculatorul pe care rulează una sau mai multe asemenea aplicații.

What is Client Server Architecture and HTTP Protocol?

Cheat Clients - 2b2t Wiki Jul 20, 2020 What is the Difference Between Client and Server Operating Dec 25, 2018 Server - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In net jargon, a server is a computer that serves many kinds of information to a user or client machine. Usually a server will only do a few things for many clients. Every type of thing a server does is called a service. Services are used by other computers that are called clients.